Unit 2.00: The A B C's of Anger Management

When we think about what anger is, we think of a lot of things like :My actions, Emotions...  Is Anger a thing, a phenomenon, a state of mind?  Probably all three, Right?  And that's all good.  But Anger can also be viewed as a process. 

  How does a Process work?  In steps and in formalities (like following the rules of a procedure).  Or think of it this way:  A comes before B; and B almost always comes before C.  Think of Anger as an A, B, C process.

Each event involving Anger has a Sequence of sub-events.  These sub-events include the following: 

A = Antecedent

B = Behavior

C = Consequence

  In other words, Anger might be viewed as having 3 phases, which include: 

A = The Antecedent or What happened before I got angry.

B = The Behavior or What I did (including how I perceived the Antecedent, what I thought and felt about it, and what I did about it).  And

C = The Consequence or Whatever Consequences, Sanctions, Rewards or Punishments that I got in exchange for the Choices I made and the Behavior(s) that I did as a result of being angry.

  If anger can be viewed as a Process; then a process might be a good way to work through anger.

Activity.  12 Steps Toward Processing An Anger Event:

  Now, think for a moment...

Step 1. What happened that made me feel so angry?  

Step 2. Also, what baggage about this phenomenon already existed for me -- (including ancient history, Morality, My Life History etc...)?  

Step 3. How did I Know, Think or just Perceive what just happened that made me feel so angry?  (How do I know what parts of what I think happened; actually happened?)  Did I perceive it accurately?

Step 4. How did I feel about these events and circumstances at that time?

Step 5. What did I think about it at that time?  How did I justify what I was about to do in my mind.  Will I be making a good choice or a bad choice.

Step 6. What did I do then?  (Or, even consider, What did I NOT do then?

Step 7. How did it play out?  What happened directly (right then and there) as a result of what I chose to do?  Why did I do that?

          Step 8. Who or What was impacted by What I did or did not do?

          Step 9. What Rewards did I get as a result of what I did?

          Step 10. What Consequences did I get as a result of what I did?

          Step 11. How do I currently feel about all this?

         Step 12. What do I hope to do if (If there is a next time and) I have a similar situation?

  We are breaking it down to make it easier to understand.  Anger can be viewed as a process.  When you think about, which ones of the steps above involved your Anger; or were essentially inspired by your Anger?

  The correct answer would be that every step above in some way is related to my Anger regarding Step 1, above.

*** Please CLICK HERE in order to complete your 

A B C's of Anger Management Worksheet. ***

Originally Posted 8/26/2021


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