Unit 3.00: Recognizing Our Anger Cues

 WHat are Anger Cues?

  Accordign to "Anger cues are warning signs telling you that you're becoming angry. They
can be a physical or bodily response, a behavior, a feeling, or a thought. ... feeling a rush of energy. Rapid breathing and an increased heart rate are also physical cues that you may be becoming angry.

"Anger Cues 

 • Physical Cues are felt in your body. They include feeling warm, or sweating, or even feeling a rush of energy. Rapid breathing and an increased heart rate are also physical cues that you may be becoming angry. 

 • Behavioral Cues are things that you do. Behavioral cues include yelling, clenching your teeth, slamming doors, etc. 

 • Emotional Cues are things that you feel. Feelings of fear or worry or jealousy may be cues that you’re becoming angry. 

 • Thought Cues are things that you think or that you “say” to yourself. The way you think about or interpret an event can increase your anger level and lead to angry behavior. "

(Just the Facts_angercues EDITED_508.pdf).

What are my Anger Cues?  



 Nervous Ticks


 Almost Fight or Flight Feeling (Like Backed up into a Corner)

What to do when I am CUED.. When My Anger is Ready to Go???

Step back

Assess the sitautino


Walk away

(Maby) come back later

Maybe not.

But either way, make the right choice

Roadmap the situation.  


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